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Forum 2015 de la sécurité des infrastructures énergétiques en Afrique de l'Est

Du 4 au 5 février 2015, Kenya. Depuis plusieurs années, les pays d'Afrique de l'Est attirent un nombre toujours plus important de grandes compagnies pétrolières. De récents incidents, au Kenya ou encore en Tanzanie, illustrent la menace croissante qui pèse sur les employées, les infrastructures et les biens des entreprises. Ce forum de la sécurité est une plateforme dédiée aux partages des bonnes pratiques sur le sujet.

In the last half-decade a number of East African countries have emerged as global energy frontiers and as a result the region is increasingly attractive to major IOCs. The recent hydrocarbon success and impressive energy infrastructure development have however, been undermined by a string of recent militant attacks, along with intensifying terrorist activities and ethnic conflicts in the region.


There has been a spate of high profile attacks in recent years, such as the recent strike on the port and transportation infrastructure currently under construction in Lamu, which will eventually connect the new oil fields of Uganda and Kenya to the Indian Ocean. There have also been deadly protests in Tanzania along with violent attacks by local militia in Western Uganda which killed sixty and have resulted in bolstered state security in the oil rich region.


These recent security incidents highlight the growing threats in booming East Africa and the critical importance of community engagement in resource development for the optimal protection of oil and gas employees, infrastructure and assets.


The East Africa Energy Infrastructure Security Forum will be a unique platform which will allow delegates to share intelligence with other senior level experts in the energy industry and relevant Governmental bodies on how to effectively cooperate with local communities, improve information sharing between neighbouring states, secure ports and offshore assets, develop defence plans for vessels transiting through high risk areas, prevent pipeline sabotage and select the most advanced security systems to match their security needs.


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